Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I'm back!

I had my Cardiac Catheterization procedure done this morning but they didn't do the Angioplasty and Stent that I was expecting because the artery in question is 99% blocked and blood flow has already bypassed the artery naturally to some extent. The local muscle is very healthy and the scarring from a minor heart attack a few years ago was barely detectable. Now the concern will be to keep the blood supply to that area flowing well hopefully through diet, medication and exercise.

The procedure went quite well, the worst part of my experience was the dreaded I.V. cause I really hate needles as it is and the nurse (in training) that tried to put in the I.V. was having a real hard time of it for about ten minutes till another nurse took over.

By this time there had been a fair amount of blood dripping down my hand onto the bed, the floor and all over the nurses hands.

The I.V. incident didn't do a whole lot to calm me in anticipation of having the catheter inserted into my arteries while still awake.

The actual procedure on the other hand was far more bearable than I thought it would be, I didn't even feel the insertion. The surgeon did it while I was talking to the nurse adjusting the sedative in my I.V., I thought the movement that I felt on my other arm was a second nurse stapping my arm down and prepping the area then I saw the monitor and realized the catheter was already in and approaching my heart.

They did a "radial" entry through my wrist which I am so glad about since most are through the groin so walking and getting around is no problem at all for me, I just have to pretend I have a broken arm for a couple of days. I just wish it was my left arm though.

So, I guess I'm happy with the results, (no more procedures at this time) my Cardiologist will adjust my drugs and I'll adjust my diet, it could have been much worse.

Thanks to those wishing me the best and passing on their blessings.



tahtimbo said...

Congratulations, that is great news!! I am glad that everything went smoothly (aside from the IV insertion, that is).

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you came through quite well. Wishing you a quick recovery. Looking forward to more posts too!

blkjck said...

Healthy food.
More walking.
Peaceful mood.
Those are good to you. :)

Lin said...

Sheesh, and you're already surfing blogs?! Good for you! I'm glad it went well, in spite of the blood draw probs--you'll be fine in no time. Nice bracelet--hee! hee! I got one of those last week for my hernia operation. :) said...

I'm so glad your news is good. I read your description of the heart cath. with great interest. I've never had to have one, but am terrified of the thought. You've eased that fear for me! Welcome back!!!

Anonymous said...

i love your blog! dropped ec as well. care to exchange links?

Da Old Man said...

Glad you came through it so well. Stay healthy.

Lakelandmom said...

I am very glad to learn everything's looking up and you are back.