Tragedy strikes quickly and takes the life of this truck's driver.

The driver entered the highway ramp too fast and the top heavy load caused the truck to roll onto it's side.

The driver was partially ejected when the truck overturned pinning him under the vehicle, authorities said he didn't stand a chance and was killed instantly.
This is Toronto's 47th traffic fatality this year.
Many people don't realize the shear inertia that a loaded truck has once it gets moving.
The "load" wants to remain in motion at the same speed and direction and sometimes the physical abilities of the vehicle cannot control that force of inertia and tragedy strikes.
Always give trucks a little extra space for your safety and theirs.
More on road safety at http://www.ezee.ca
Forklift Safety at liftright.net
See Truck photos or my other photos at donssite.com
or see optical illusions or web animations
Wow, you never see that many cop cars in one spot in Texas, unless of course they are lining up to beat the crap out of some minority.
How awful! That is just terrible. Something similar to that happened to my older younger brother and yes he was killed. He however was not the one driving.
Wow. This is heavy stuff!
Storybook Vacations
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