This is about half way to where I want to be about now with the colder weather coming this way.
New River Gorge Bridge near Fayetteville, West Virginia was for many years the longest arch bridge in the world.
(still just as long, someone just made a longer one)
Anyway, I'm just not ready for the snow yet
and I'm definitely not looking forward to driving around in the stuff
Ah . . . . . . . . . . .That's better.
Where ever there are palm trees, they probably don't sell snow shovels.
I'm not a biker but it's a cool place to go
Earl's Hideaway in Sebastian Florida, one of the best places around to just hang out with a "cold one" on their sand bar listening to the band, or there's Captain Hiram's just a couple of blocks up the river with a nice sand bar and beach on the river to enjoy a cold one and listen to their band.
Captain Hiram's incidentally is where Pete Harris played for years.